GAR Architecture. Taking Holistic Approach for Healthier Office Spaces. Wellbeing. The Pivot of GAR Workplaces.
Ergonomics is related to the degree of efficiency of employees in a working environment. And GAR has always been very particular about this aspect of its business, constructing buildings and providing facilities based on the ergonomic premise.
What are buildings then without their occupants!
Building designs with holistic approaches help in the establishment of workspaces catering to a better quality of life in the long term. They align with human conduct, practices, and functioning and help in augmenting and broadening human welfare.
It is a fact now that the quality of our built environment directly affects the health and wellbeing of the occupants of the buildings. And GAR buildings are ergonomically designed edifices that ensure a happier and healthier workforce.
Positive mental wellbeing leads to better physiological health. GAR undertakes quantitative and qualitative health parameters seriously to ensure an optimally functioning workspace. GAR multistoried structures are progressive buildings. These buildings help create conditions that provide better mental health, sounder general wellbeing, and psychophysical comfort for the occupants.
Well-being is the pivot of GAR workplaces!
Cleaner air, better water management, lighting arrangement that soothes nerves, and minimal visual pollution helps in increasing the productivity of employees and create a happier atmosphere. And GAR has aligned itself with the global trends that are transforming the builders’ perspective and showing how an ideal workplace should be. The establishment of ergonomic offices, focusing on social wellbeing and mental health, greater emphasis on happiness, compassion, empathy, wellness, and care are decisive shifts taking place across the world for appropriate workplaces.
Wellbeing is the fulcrum around which the complete working life revolves and relates to existing within a therapeutic environment. Happiness or ‘feeling happy’ is now an integral part of any discussion taking place in the boardrooms of construction companies where the management is interested in creating sustainable workplaces that are safe, healthy, positive, adaptable, flexible, and have natural restorative powers. Happiness is proportional to psychological, physical, social, financial, and environmental factors that lead to joyful, healthy, and relaxed workplaces.
The more independent, connected to nature and human a place, the more stress and anxiety-free the workspace is! And GAR is such a corporate!
The immediate environment in which an employee works affects the productivity of that employee. GAR has been ensuring that its workplaces are aesthetically pleasing and equipped to provide a balanced light, air, color, thermal, acoustics, hygiene, surrounding and radiant temperature, humidity, olfactory-sensitive, and dust-free environment to the occupants of its buildings. Proper heating and cooling mechanisms, well-maintained insulation, air quality are comfort conditions that GAR concentrates on additionally.
Such an approach has resulted in making GAR office spaces comprehensively efficient and reduced health hazards. GAR is into Biophilic Office Designs, and it involves introducing outdoor elements like plants and other natural components into workspaces for increased wellbeing at workplaces. This approach to office designs helps in having an improved level of oxygen. This improved level leads to improved concentration levels, morale, creativity, and productivity.
Making the right workplace interventions lead to improvement in the overall wellbeing of an employee! GAR workplaces have proved to provide comfort conditions leading to employees working at optimum efficiency!
The health and wellbeing of an employee are at the core of how office spaces are worldwide. These are the pivots. And the ambient conditions involving comfort aspects of employees are, in fact, expectancy factors in terms of psychological health. Employees are sensitive to different facets of the surrounding environment in which they exist and operate. It is an integrated approach involving human behavior. Health-supporting architectural design concept and the proposition of GAR goes beyond temperature or aesthetics. The built environment of GAR works precisely on the premise to have a work-life balance.
Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. (The 1948 definition of Health by the World Health Organization).
The range of factors that influence health, sometimes called determinants, is described by the WHO as follows (http://www.who.int/hia/evidence/doh/en/): Many factors combine to affect the health of individuals and communities. Whether people are healthy or not is determined by their circumstances and environment. The determinants of health include:
• the social and economic environment.
• the physical environment; and
• the person’s individual characteristics and behaviors
For GAR, health is related to factors that help in improving the quality of the built environment comprising health, comfort, and happiness. And it is indeed a holistic appreciation of giving priority to the wellbeing of the occupants of its green buildings. And multiple national and international awards only commend and confirm this approach.
Therefore, there is compelling evidence that proves the correlation architecture has with the physical and mental robustness of occupants of the buildings. The quality of the architecture also influences the human cognitive abilities and behaviors related to feel-good and proper-functioning aspects. Such a built environment supports positive conduct, practices, manner, and habits.
At GAR buildings, the built environment positively influences the occupants!
GAR Architecture promotes wellbeing as a viable, workable, implementable, and enforceable option. GAR architecture provides not few but innumerable delightful moments of sustainable happiness. Sustainable Happiness is a state of happiness that creates an environment for the wellbeing of the individual, local community, and nation. And achieved without exploitation of any and with awareness of responsibility towards future generations and their needs.
GAR interior designing experts use the in-vogue Neuroaesthetics, a part of the architecture that looks at the mental health, cognitive ability, and emotional stability aspects of the occupants of buildings. Neuroaesthetics is nothing but cognitive neuroscience of aesthetic experience that perceives the environment in ways human physiology reacts to the inhabited spaces, forming the basis for constructing a building for the people to flourish, prosper, and evolve positively.
The factual evidence is that people react, interact, respond, and grow with the inhabited spaces. There is a definite correlation between how meticulously organized space is and how much comfort and warmth it can give. Modern architecture is taking help from behavioral psychology and designing spaces where the users have more control. And these buildings are also more accommodative of different personality types. And this freedom includes having control over the indoor temperature, having the desired noise levels, putting in place ergonomic furniture, having indoor plants, having relaxation zones, and having spaces for employees to take a nap or rest. Thus, workspaces built now envision the importance of physical and mental health.
For GAR, it believes in creating completely sustainable buildings that not only last longer but are sensitive to human health. GAR endeavors constantly to have a sustainable environment and ecologically sound built environment for a happy and healthy workspace.